Schedule broken after UpdateRollup1




after installation of UpdateRollup1 for Windows 2000 Sp4 schedule-service is
not starting anymore. The error is:

Error 87: Wrong starting parameter
(Note: This is a retranslation of the german error)

When I deinstall UpdateRollup1, schedule is starting without any problem
(and obviousely without any starting parameter).

But after installing UpdateRollup1 (V.2) again, above error appears again.

This concerns already 3 Computers, where I did a fresh installation of
Windows 2000 Sp4 after upgrading the hard disks to larger capacities.

I searched the knowledge base and the newsgroup up and down, but nobody
seemed to have this problem before.

I tried already many things, including a detailed comparison of registry
keys concerning schedule with another computer, where schedule is running
fine after UpdateRollup1, but up to know I had no success.

I would appreciate very much, if somebody has an idea, how I could solve
this problem.

Thanks in advance


Dave Patrick

New one to me. I've never heard this before.

Check Event Viewer for errors. When you view the logged events in Event
Viewer (double-click them in the right-hand pane) in the upper right corner,
third button down is a copy to clipboard, then you can paste in the body of
a reply message.

Please do so for each of the different System Log events (that are a Type:
'Error' or 'Warning') since last boot so we can see all of the event detail.

Also check Device Manager for error codes and or non-starting devices.



Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft MVP [Windows]

Dave Patrick


Dave Patrick


Dave Patrick

Good to hear you're at the root of the cause. Support for security updates
is always free so I'd give product support a call at 1-866-PCSAFETY



Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft MVP [Windows]


After almost one year of endless trials, to find a solution for this
scheduler-problem, I am conviced, that this is a real

problem of the Microsoft-security-update KB841873 (MS04-022). In the
meantime I could confirm this scheduler-problem with

approx. 10 new installations of Windows 2000 Professional Sp4 german and
with one new installation of Windows 2000

Professional Sp4 chinese. So I think, that it might concern all
language-versions of Windows 2000 Professional SP4.

As a german customer without a service-agreement I would have to pay 99,--
EUR for an eMail-request to Microsoft and much more

for a phone-call. Maybe there is somebody with a service-contract, who could
tell Microsoft about this.

From my point of view there are for the moment only two possible workarounds:

1. Use an alternative scheduler

(if you can - I cannot for certain reasons)

2. Do not install the updates concerned


If you do not install KB841873 (MS04-022),
the security-risk remains on your computer.

Workaround 2. in detail:

- deinstall Past_Sp4_Rollup1 (KB891861),
using "Software" in Start - Settings - Computer
and restart your computer, as desired.

- confirm, that schedule is running
(it should).

- activate "automatic updates" and wait, until
"new updates are available".
(You can force this by visiting the Windows-Update
website, but do not install any updates offered
there for the time being).

- start the installation of updates by clicking
the respective tray icon and choose
"user defined installation".

- deselect Past_Sp4_Rollup1 (KB891861) and confirm,
that you do not want to see this update again.

- wait again, until
"new updates are available".
(You can force this by visiting the Windows-Update
website, but do not install any updates offered
there for the time being).

- start the installation of updates by clicking
the respective tray icon and choose
"user defined installation".

- deselect KB841873 (MS04-022) and confirm,
that you do not want to see this update again.

Now you can set "automatic updates" as you like it.
Generally I recommend, to leave it on "automatic".


If you ever chosse the option "show disabled updates again"
in the settings of automatic updates, Past_Sp4_Rollup1 (KB891861)
will be installed again and schedule will be broken again.
Then you have to repeat the whole procedure, as described above.


Dave Patrick said:
Good to hear you're at the root of the cause. Support for security updates
is always free so I'd give product support a call at 1-866-PCSAFETY



Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft MVP [Windows]

Reinhard said:
Hi Dave,

thanks for your advice. To tell you the result before: MS04-022 (KB841873)
is the reason for the trouble.

This morning I deinstalled UpdateRollup 1, restarted the computer and
schedule was running. Then I installed MS04-022 (KB841873) and after the
restart schedule was broken as mentioned before.

So I removed KB841873 again and schedule was running again.

I have a downloaded collection of security patches from MS03-039 up to
MS04-045 and I installed them all, leaving out MS04-022 - shedule is

Now I have to download all further missing updates, leaving out

And I cannot use automatic updates anymore.

Which means, I have a workaround, but not the final solution.

Thank you again for your support.



Hi Dave,

The solution of the problem is in security settings of the computer.

While the old version of mstask was working well with
ports 135 and 1025 closed, the new version needs
ports 135 and 1025 opened.

A description can be found here:

and here more detailed in german:

Just to complete the information here are the different
versions of mstask.exe and mstask.dll:

Sp4: mstask.exe 4.71.2195.6704 dated 06/20/2003
mstask.dll 4.71.2195.6704 dated 06/20/2003

KB841873: mstask.exe 4.71.2195.6920 dated 04/05/2004
mstask.dll 4.71.2195.6920 dated 06/10/2004

KB873405: mstask.exe 4.71.2195.6961 dated 07/27/2004

Rollup 1: mstask.exe 4.71.2195.6972 dated 06/02/2005
mstask.dll 4.71.2195.6972 dated 06/02/2005

Many thanks for your advice, to ask in the partner newsgroup. I found the
right lead there.


Dave Patrick said:
You might try asking in the partner newsgroups.



Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft MVP [Windows]

Reinhard said:
After almost one year of endless trials, to find a solution for this
scheduler-problem, I am conviced, that this is a real

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