Scan Hangs - - Bluetack Hosts File



Microsoft AntiSpyware scan hangs up towards the end of
Files Scanned: in the same place every time. I had recently
downloaded Blutacks Host File and Hosts Manager. I went in
Host Manager and disabled the Host File and then tried to
scan. This worked the scan completed without a hitch. I
tried it each way (with Host File enabled and disabled)
several times and have concluded that the Host File is my
problem. My question is should I have to disable the Host
File and if not how can I fix this. The reason it matters
to me is because I now have to disable the Scheduled Scans.


-----Original Message-----
Microsoft AntiSpyware scan hangs up towards the end of
Files Scanned: in the same place every time. I had recently
downloaded Blutacks Host File and Hosts Manager. I went in
Host Manager and disabled the Host File and then tried to
scan. This worked the scan completed without a hitch. I
tried it each way (with Host File enabled and disabled)
several times and have concluded that the Host File is my
problem. My question is should I have to disable the Host
File and if not how can I fix this. The reason it matters
to me is because I now have to disable the Scheduled Scans.
Does anyone know how to disable the host scanning feature
in Microsoft AntiSpy.



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