Saving Worksheet Picture on desktop using VBA??


Simon Lloyd

Hi all,

I'm trying to use an AutoShape button on a worksheet to select a rang
on the sheet and then save it as a picture on the desktop so it can b
mailed in future, i have some snippets of code but have no idea how t
put them together. Ideally i would like the picture to go in to a fil
on the desktop lets say "orders" if the file doesnt exist create it, i
it does then copy the picture in to it, each picture should be named b
using firstly the text in cell merged cell B/C6 then the number i
merged cell B/C4, so that the next time the order form is changed i
will have new text and number the user can then click the autoshape an
it will save the picture as the new text and number.

Here's what i have.....
[this is the Autoshape macro to copy the picture]
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 30").Select
Selection.CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlPicture

Worksheets("order form").SaveAs Filename:="C:\windows\desktop\orders\
Range("B4").Value & Range("B6").Value &".xls"

Hope you can help

Simon Lloyd

Sorry for the repost!, i am still struggling with this, the worksheet
doesn't need to be saved as a picture it could be saved as a word
document, it's just they all need to go in to a folder on the desktop
of the user and in a format that shows the information (order form) but
cannot be changed!

any ideas?



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