Saving to Network Share



Some of my users are having opening and editing a various
Excel Spreadsheets on a network drive. After they are
done with the file they save it and close out the
document. When they reopen the file they discover that no
changes have been saved and in the network folder that the
spreadsheet is stored there is a unrecognized file with a
name like "603CBF20".
The problem so far seems isolated to a particular share,
i.e. HR. But it has happened to at least 2 users in
different folders beneath that share point.

Any suggestions?

Dave Peterson

When you save a file, excel will save it as a temporary file (8 characters, no
extension). Then if that save is successful, excel will delete the original and
rename this funny named file to the original's name.

You see the results when something interferes with this process.

A couple of things that get pointed at are antivirus software and network
problems (hardware or permissions).

Maybe you could disable the antivirus software (temporarily) to see if that

If the problem goes away, then visit your local AV site and see if they have
updates. If it doesn't, I'd think I'd try to get my IT department more
involved. (well, unless you're already the IT department!)

(Maybe your users have write, but not delete permission. But if it works
sometimes (for the same user), then that's not it.)

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