saving the code and other dev info



I was given what I considered an odd/bizarre task (by the head person). What
they are looking for is to have all the code, queries, etc, programmatically
put into a db (separate from project) for storage purposes. I suggested
using VSS.

I have never done anything like this much even begin to figure this out.
Has anyone ever done (or even heard of) something like this? Any suggestions
(other then to tell the head person to get off the drugs) on how this is
possible? Know of any samples/examples of this?

.... John

Marshall Barton

JohnE said:
I was given what I considered an odd/bizarre task (by the head person). What
they are looking for is to have all the code, queries, etc, programmatically
put into a db (separate from project) for storage purposes. I suggested
using VSS.

I have never done anything like this much even begin to figure this out.
Has anyone ever done (or even heard of) something like this? Any suggestions
(other then to tell the head person to get off the drugs) on how this is
possible? Know of any samples/examples of this?

Unless that is intended as a learning experience, you can
just back up the front end mdb file. Either way your head
is smoking something of dubious origin.

You can copy every module to a memo field by looping through
the Modules collection:

Dim db As Database
Dim doc As Document
Set db = CurrentDb()
For Each doc In db.Containers!Modules.Documents
DoCmd.OpenModule doc.Name
With Modules(doc.Name)
strCode = .Lines(1, .CountOfLines)
' save strCode to a table in the other mdb
End With
Next doc

You can use similar code for the modules behind forms and

A query's SQL statement is in a QueryDef's SQL Property

OTOH, you might find it more complete and even easier to use
the mostly undocumentd SaveAsText method (object browser,
show hidden members).

Paul Shapiro

If you're using Access 2003 or 2007 the Visual SourceSafe add-on is a free
download. You'd have to buy a copy of VSS, but the rest is already done for
you. I very much like having the db under sourcecode control. When a client
has issues, I can immediately tell exactly what has changed when. If you
roll your own version control, you'd also have to develop all the searching,
reporting and file differencing to get the same benefits. It's got to be
much cheaper to go with VSS unless your time is free.
Paul Shapiro

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