Saving Text-Box items in Custom Form



I have created a custom form for my contact managment in OL 2003. I have
customized a tab called "Entry Plan" that will help a sales person create a
strategy for that prospect. In the tab, I have inserted combo-boxes numbered
1-10 each containing an identical list of strategic tasks that a sales person
can select from to create a formal plan to pursue that prospect. The idea is
that our "sales tool-box" is in the drop-down list and the sales person
prepares a strategy specific to that prospect. The problem is that after we
select the items and save, the selected items do not remain in the boxes and
are gone when we re-enter the contact form. Also, I tried to enter a date
field with a check box next to each entry plan item, but outlook would not
allow me to open the form after doing that, so now we have to enter the date
manually. Can you help with these two items? thanks!!

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Did you bind each control to an Outlook property -- check the control's Value tab? If not, then Outlook does not know what property to use to store the data.

Regarding the date field, what happens when you try to open the item?

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers



Thanks for the response!

In the "Properties" of each combo box, this is the status under the "Value"
List Type: Dropdown
Property to use: Text
Possible Values: Items for dropdown are contained here separated by a

The error message I get after inserting a date field with a check box:
"To help prevent malicious code from running, one or more objects were not
loaded. For more information, contact your administrator."

Thank you again, you are always so responsive and helpful!!!

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Look at the top of the Value tab of the control's Properties dialog. That's where you set the field Outlook will use to save the data. Create new fields as needed.

How are you adding the date field to the form?

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


Sue, thanks again!!

I am assuming, then, that each individual combo-box must bind to a different
field. Is that correct?

In order to add the date and checkbox this is what I did:
open form, and chose "design this form"
open the "tool box" and right click on it to get "custom controls"
I selected "Microsoft Date & Time Picker Control 6.0 (SP4)"
This allows me to drag date boxes to the form
Once the date box is in the form, I go to Advaced Properties and add a check

I hope that is clear enough.


Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Outlook has to put the data somewhere! Unless you want to write code to aggregate the values from the controls when the item closes and disaggregate them to populate the controls when the item opens, you need to set a separate field for each control. Simply dragging a control to a form page does not take care of that, as I think you've figured out by now.

You will continue to get the warning for the date control until the form is published.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

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