Saving Movie Maker file to Cd



Can anybody please help ? I'm new to movie making, but I am not able to to
burn any files to disk. I keep getting an unknown error message when trying
to save the file. I can only save files to my computer, but need them to
burn to disk.

I have Windows Meda Player version 11 but still these will not burn. I have
changed disk after disk but still it will not save. Do I need new aquipment,
or am I just thick ? Don't asnwer the last part!

John Inzer

Batgirl303 said:
Can anybody please help ? I'm new to movie making, but I am not able
to to burn any files to disk. I keep getting an unknown error
message when trying to save the file. I can only save files to my
computer, but need them to burn to disk.

I have Windows Meda Player version 11 but still these will not burn.
I have changed disk after disk but still it will not save. Do I need
new aquipment, or am I just thick ? Don't asnwer the last part!
Are you trying to create a simple Data CD
for archival purposes or do you wish to create
a VCD (Video CD) or DVD (Video DVD)
that will play in a free standing DVD player?

Regardless...the first step would be to save
your project in a movie format as per the
following steps:

To save as a .wmv movie file...
Type...Ctrl+P to open the Save Movie Wizard /
Choose...My Computer /
Next /
Enter a Name and a Save Location /
Next / Next.
Wait while the movie is saved /

To save as an .avi movie file...
(and several other options)
Type...Ctrl+P to open the Save Movie Wizard /
Choose...My Computer /
Next /
Enter a Name and a Save Location /
Next /
Show More Choices /
Other Settings /
Open the drop window and choose...DV-AVI /
Next /
Wait while the movie is saved /

Movie Maker 2 - Saving
Movies - Custom WMV Profiles

Creating Custom Profiles
for Windows Movie Maker 2

John Inzer
MS Picture It! -
Digital Image MVP

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HI John,
I'm trying to save a file as a VCD file so that I can pass it on to my
friends and as you can gather, I'm not having much luck.

Thanks for your advice though John, I will give it a try and see what happens.


John Inzer

Batgirl303 said:
HI John,
I'm trying to save a file as a VCD
file so that I can pass it on to my
friends and as you can gather, I'm
not having much luck.

Thanks for your advice though John,
I will give it a try and see what

Ok...once you save the Movie Maker
project in a movie format...wmv or .avi...
the next step in creating a VCD would
be to import the movie into a software
program that will create a VCD. Most
DVD players will play a VCD...check
the manual for your DVD player for
compatibility. A VCD is a Video Disk
created on a CD instead of a DVD.

I've had success with a program called
'InterVideo WinDVD Creator'...there are
many others...'NeroVision Express'
another example. The main thing is the
program must be able to create a VCD
from a .wmv or .avi video file.

John Inzer
MS Picture It! -
Digital Image MVP

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Hi John,
I suspect that my cd software is to blame for my lack of being able to save
files to cd. But As I use Nero I had assumed that the files would already
have been there, as it does invite me to creat a video cd. I have seen
copies of WinDVD for sale and will look into this.

Thanks very much for your help and support John. It's fantastic to know that
there are people willing to help.

Kind Regards


John Inzer

Batgirl303 said:
Hi John,
I suspect that my cd software is to blame for my lack of being able
to save files to cd. But As I use Nero I had assumed that the files
would already have been there, as it does invite me to creat a video
cd. I have seen copies of WinDVD for sale and will look into this.

Thanks very much for your help and support John. It's fantastic to
know that there are people willing to help.

Kind Regards

Since you have Nero...try using NeroVision Express.

John Inzer
MS Picture It! -
Digital Image MVP

Digital Image
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