Saving from Excel to MS Office Drawing Object



How would I save a selected range from an MS Excel worksheet into a MS Office
Drawing Object - the picture format that can be easily rotated in MS Word.
Unfortunately no other picture formats will substitute... Thanks!

Kevin B

You could do an Alt+PrintScr to capture the image, crop the unwanted elements
from the image after pasting it into Word (Ctrl + V) and rotate the image as

Gord Dibben

Select the range.

SHIFT + Edit.

Select Copy shown on screen.

Open Word and Paste Special>Picture(Enhanced Metafile)

This you can rotate.

If you want the data picture to be dynamic in Word, use the Camera Tool to take
the picture and paste special etc.

Camera Tool is found under Tools>Customize>Commands>Tools

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Thanks for the suggestion, but this isn't a simple "cut/paste" problem. The
format for the picture must be "MS Office Drawing Object". I've tried
various avenues to convert from Excel to this specific format, but no
application I can find will convert to this exact format.

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Thanks, but an enhanced metafile isn't the same as an MS Office Drawing
Object - rotating the picture isn't the issue, matching the exact format is.

Thanks, but still looking...

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