Saving fro v2002 to v95 increases file size 4x


Margo Noreen

Our marketing department created a PowerPoint presentation in the 2002
version. They would like to post it on our company intranet, but many users
have older versions of Office. So, we decided we could post 2 versions, one
in the original 2002 .ppt format and the other saved to the 95 format. So,
in v2002, I simply did a "Save As" and selected the 95 version (*not* the
97-2000 & 95 version) and it took from 13mb to 67mb.

I read where the 97-200 & 95 version would do this, but why is it so large
to save it JUST as a 95 version?

Any help would be appreciated.

-- Margo Noreen


PowerPoint 95 did not compress the file at all. PowerPoint 97-2003 do a
very good job of compressing, as you've seen. When you save in PowerPoint
95 format, you get an uncompressed file. You will be able to significantly
reduce the size of the file if you "zip" it. Users will have to unzip it
at their end.

Kathy J

Hi Margo,
The file size is growing so much because PPT 95 didn't have any (or hardly
any) file compression built in. PPT 95 files are much bigger than the more
modern ones. If I were you, I would not back save your presentation. If you
have people who are still running PPT 95, they can view the newer
presentations by downloading the appropriate viewers. If the PPT 95 users
really need to edit the presentations, they will have problems anyway: Many
of the features (most of the features) you use in the newer versions won't
work in 95.

If you are looking for the links to the Viewers, check this PPT FAQ entry:

(FYI: The viewers are no where near as large as the PPT 95 files would be,
so the download (done once per viewer) will save time and space.)

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
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Margo Noreen

Thanks for the quick response from everyone. It was helpful to confirm what
was going on!

-- Margo

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