Saving files one level up




I use the following lines to save data to a file:
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=NewFileName, _
FileFormat:=xlText, _

It stores the file in the same directory as the input file that I have
pointed out with the lines:
WholeFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename _
(FileFilter:=Filt, _
FilterIndex:=FilterIndex, _

My question is how I can store the file one level up, in the directory above?
Can I type in the file name with path and everything as NewFileName?

Best regards,

Dave Peterson

Dim myPath as string
dim wkbk as workbook
dim WholeFileName as variant
WholeFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename _
(FileFilter:=Filt, _
FilterIndex:=FilterIndex, _

if wholefilename = false then
exit sub
end if

set wkbk =

mypath = wkbk.path
newfilename = mypath & "\..\" & "whateverstring.txt"

If you remember your old DOS commands, this is equivalent to:

cd ..
to go up one level.

(You may want to add a check to make sure you weren't in the root folder of the
drive--so you couldn't go up a level.)

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