Saving custom shows as separate files



I have a large presentation and have created a number of custom shows which
include selected slides from the overall presentation.
I now need to send soemone a copy of the presentation (or rather the
customised version - ie the version with only certain slides in as per a
custom show). Is there an easy way of doing this or do I need to write down
which slides are in this custom show (and the order in which they come) and
then manually create a new presentation with only these slides.
This is likley to take some time and I may need to repeat the exercise on
several occassions so a quicker option woudl be helpful.
I could, of course, send the large file over and tell them to just use the
relevant custom show, but I do not want them to have access to the 'unused'
slides that do not form part of the custom show.
Many thanks.

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