Saving a Photo Gallery Template



I have edited the Photo Gallery template in FP2002. I do all the steps to
save an edited page using File/Save As/ then choosing FrontPage Template
(*.tem) as the file type. I choose a name for the file and click save. From
there I choose a title and name and description and click OK. This is where
my problem begins. I get a message saying "To save this page and photo
gallery, open a FrontPage based web site, and save the page to that site."
with just an OK button. I then try to open a template and see the one I
created there at the bottom but the preview is messed up, only partially
there. Well when I open it up is gives me a message saying "The system
cannot find the file specified." with an OK button.

Can any one please help me with this problem or tell me what I might be
doing wrong? Thanks in advance for anything you can give me.



I did have an entire web opened at the time but when I first edited the photo
gallery page I had clicked on File/New/Page or Web and then selected "Page
Templates" as oppesed to "Web Site Templates". So my thoughts were that it
wouuld just save the page I edited as oppesed to the entire web I had opened.
I guess I was wrong in this thought? Could you enlighten me as to why it
will not work even with my entire web opened?

I am going to follow your link and read the artical now. Thanks for helping
me out in this Eleanor.


Thomas A. Rowe

You can not save a Photo Gallery page as a template. Also do not create templates with images, since
the template is not stored within the current open web, it is stored in the FP application location
and will result in broken image links.

Also to create a Photo Gallery you must have a web / site open first, and you should import all
images into the web / site before using them in the Photo Gallery.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

E. T. Culling

The photo gallery component is just not worth working with! FP didn't even
try to fix it for 2003!


What I don't understand is that if you can't save a Photo Gallery as a
template then how do they have a Photo Gallery template that comes with
FP2002. I went in and only chaned one thing. I took the title that was on
the left margin and formated it to the center. I save the template with the
same name as the one I started with and still the same error. I just don't
get it really.

Thomas A. Rowe

Very simple, MS created it.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

E. T. Culling

That says it all, doesn't it, about why so many things work they way they do
with FP. They make something work only a certain way and if you don't like
it, you're stuck with it. And if it doesn't work (the photo gallery
component) they don't fix it!
Thank heavens there are altermatives.

Thomas A. Rowe

The issue with the Photo Gallery component is that users have not logged any or enough issues with
MS Product Support. Posting here does not get it logged as a problem directly.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

E. T. Culling

So nothing gets 'fixed' unless enough folks complain? Now that's a great

Thomas A. Rowe

So nothing gets 'fixed' unless enough folks complain? Now that's a great attitude!

No! It takes time and resources, which need to be allocated based on the severity of the issue.

How is MS, or any company for that matter, suppose to be aware of a problem and to what degree (is
it 1 user, 100 users, 50% of all users, etc.) does the problem exist, unless users report problems
via a company's Product or Technical Support group?

MVPs do report common problems that are seen in newsgroups and other forums to MS, but it also help
when actual users with the specific problem also contact MS Product Support.

I am sure that if enough users had contacted MS Product Support regarding the Photo Gallery, when it
first became available in FP2002, and it was not functioning as Designed, it would have been changed
or dropped from FP2003.

I am guessing that you haven't developed any applications or major web site projects where you have
to provide support for multiple users, because if you did, you would understand the decisions that
have to made regarding the impact of any changes (especially if the application or project is
functioning as designed) to the overall application or project and the number of users impacted.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

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