saveas addin from VBA


Dave Ring

I have a complex addin that I modify frequently. I'd like to be able to
make changes while using it, and then directly save a modified addin.
I've successfully written VBA code that turns the modified addin into a
workbook, and I can save that workbook, reopen it, and then save it as
an addin. But if I try the shortcut of saving the workbook directly to
an addin using Workbook.SaveAs FileName := S FileFormat := xlAddin, the
file saved is always a workbook, not an addin, regardless of whether
filename S includes a .xla extension.

This is in Excel 2001 on a Mac running OS 10.3.3.

Any ideas?


Dave Ring

Jim Rech

I'd like to be able to make changes while using it, and then directly save
Just save it from the VBE - click the Save toolbutton while the add-in is
the active project. No need to save it as a workbook first.

Jim Rech
Excel MVP
|I have a complex addin that I modify frequently. I'd like to be able to
| make changes while using it, and then directly save a modified addin.
| I've successfully written VBA code that turns the modified addin into a
| workbook, and I can save that workbook, reopen it, and then save it as
| an addin. But if I try the shortcut of saving the workbook directly to
| an addin using Workbook.SaveAs FileName := S FileFormat := xlAddin, the
| file saved is always a workbook, not an addin, regardless of whether
| filename S includes a .xla extension.
| This is in Excel 2001 on a Mac running OS 10.3.3.
| Any ideas?
| Thanks,
| Dave Ring

Dave Ring

Thanks. Didn't realize it could be that simple. But any guess why my
SaveAs addin in VBA doesn't?



Hello Dave,

ThisWorkbook.IsAddin = True (before ThisWorkbook.SaveAs)
does the job ...

You can read more at:

It's an another approach, I haven't tried it, seems to be used for th
older versions of Office.

Good Luck,

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