Save value on form



Excel 2003 w/Visual Basic 6.3

At a point in my macro I calculate a value, and then assign that valu
to a text box on another form. My questions are:

1) Can that value be saved on the form so that the next time I run th
macro the value in the text box is already stored?

2) Can the value in the text box be formatted, e.g. to display only
decimal places



You need to store the value from the txtbox on a sheet somewhere. The sheet
can be hidden from the user. You can then use code similar to this to
retrieve the value...

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
TextBox1.Text = Format(Sheet1.Range("A1").Value, "#,##0.00")
End Sub

Where you have stored the text box value in sheet1 cell A1


1) The easiest way I know how is to write the value to a cell. Then whe
the userform opens again, set the "controlsource" of the textBox to th
value in the cell that you previously stored the value in.

'After closed and reopened

*TextBox1.Value = Range("A1") *
*TextBox1.ControlSource = Range("A1")*

With this method, if changes are made to the value, it can creat
problems sometimes

Or something similar depending on how your user form is set u

Fausto Arinos Barbuto

scantor145 said:
Excel 2003 w/Visual Basic 6.3
At a point in my macro I calculate a value, and then assign that value
to a text box on another form. My questions are:
1) Can that value be saved on the form so that the next time I run the
macro the value in the text box is already stored?
2) Can the value in the text box be formatted, e.g. to display only 2
decimal places

Well, at least in Excel you can use Round(). For example:

TextBox1.Text = Round(variable,4)

"variable" will then be displayed as 4-decimal place figure in TextBox1.
You might also embellish the display, for example:

TextBox1.Text = "Execution time: " & Round(variable,4) & " seconds."



In your code your might insert a Name and set it = to the value.
Than refer to the name to set the textbox.

recorded code in Excel 2000
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Myvalue", RefersToR1C1:="=13"

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