Save/ Send as webpage ?



I have the following code that sends an excel workbook to
a list of email folks in a column on a worksheet
named "Report" . It works perfectly. But now recipients
are complaining that the file is too big. Can the code
below be modified to send only sheet "Report" as web page
or some other method that reduces the file size ? The
current size is about 300kb

Thanks, Steve
Sub E_Mail()
'sends the activeworkbook to the e-mail address in a
range named "list" in Sheet 'a sheet named E-Mail
Dim MyArr As Variant
MyArr = Sheets("Report").Range("list")
'Will send with the subject send email.xls
'ActiveWorkbook.SendMail MyArr
ActiveWorkbook.SendMail Recipients:=MyArr, _
Subject:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("A1") & " All
Short (" & ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("C1") & ") and
Missort (" & ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("c25") & ")
Report" & Format$(Date, " mm-dd-yyyy")
End Sub

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