Save Record in Forms


Troy J

I am having a problem trying to save a record from a
form. There are ten other forms in the database and they
all work fine. The form with the problem is based on a
query that has several tables, all with a one-to-many
relationship. I can see the new record, it appears to
save, but when I exit and return to the form, it's not
there. All relationships permit cascading updates and
deletes. The recordset property if Dynaset. Allow edits,
additions and deletions are all set to yes. I am
at my wits end.


I would try these tests...

I believe I have just created a record. Did it get into
any of the tables in the query?
If I duplicate the addition on the base query via the
query window, does it work.
Things to remember...
Cascade updates does not mean cascade insert.
If an entry HAS been created in one table but not the
others, and the query uses inner joins, the new entry will
not appear in the query.

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