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I have a main table in my BE that I am scared to death of ever losing any
data from. Can I save just that table every day to a memory stick? Could I
automate that also where it was automatic? Or do I have to backup the whole
database dailey? The entire database is starting to fill up my memory stick.

Dirk Goldgar

golfinray said:
I have a main table in my BE that I am scared to death of ever losing any
data from. Can I save just that table every day to a memory stick? Could I
automate that also where it was automatic? Or do I have to backup the
database dailey? The entire database is starting to fill up my memory

You could easily export the table to a text or Excel file on your memory
stick, or even create a new database on the stick and export the table to
that database as an Access table. These processes could be programmed into
a VBA procedure that you could invoke at the click of a button, or even made
part of a startup procedure.

Note that, if you're backing up to a memory stick, you would do well to use
the "Safely Remove Hardware" application to prepare the stick for removal
before you pull it out of the USB port. That way you ensure that any "lazy
writes" to the USB drive have been completed.

John Spencer

Get a larger memory stick. They are not that expensive. $30 should get you a
memory stick that has more than enough capacity to store the maximum of 2
gigs that one database file can hold.


Create a blank database on your memory stick and import the one table.

If the date is that important, you should really look at some method of doing
backups that is more robust than just dumping to a memory stick.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2010
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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