"Save my settings" function for Word 2000



I have used Word 2003's Save My Settings Wizard to make sure that I can have
Word look just like I want it to in the event of a reformat, without drilling
through all those menus and options. I noticed Word 2000 doesn't have this
function. Is the only way I can get Word 2000 to look just like I have it
looking now, to copy the normal.dot file, and tuck it away someplace safe?
Is that the closes equivalent?

And for the really knowledgeable, what is teh difference between normal.dot
and the Save My Settings Wizard? What would I not end up saving, with just
saving this normal.dot file?

Jay Freedman

I have used Word 2003's Save My Settings Wizard to make sure that I can have
Word look just like I want it to in the event of a reformat, without drilling
through all those menus and options. I noticed Word 2000 doesn't have this
function. Is the only way I can get Word 2000 to look just like I have it
looking now, to copy the normal.dot file, and tuck it away someplace safe?
Is that the closes equivalent?

And for the really knowledgeable, what is teh difference between normal.dot
and the Save My Settings Wizard? What would I not end up saving, with just
saving this normal.dot file?

There used to be a Save My Settings wizard for Office 2000 that could
be downloaded from the Microsoft site (rather than packaged on the
CD), but the download page isn't there any more. Maybe someone who
still has a copy can make it available to you.

Really, though, you're better off doing the job manually, as explained
at http://word.mvps.org/faqs/general/FilesToBackup.htm. That page also
explains the many things that aren't saved by backing up only the
Normal.dot template.


Thanks to both of you. That one document Jay linked to is a veritable library
of information, so I'll read it carefully to see what that wizard will not
Thanks again.

I've just come back to Word after a brief flirt with OpenOffice, and I'd
hate to see all the tinkering I've done in teh last couple of weeks go down
the drain b/c of a bad hdd.

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