Save files?




When I download files using Internet Explorer 6 and I want to save the
file at C:\SomeFolder it first save the entire file to some temp directory.
When the download is complete it then move the file to C:\SomeFolder.

How can I force IE to save the file "directly" to the folder I sepcify?
It's kind of irritating when you download large files. You first have to
wait for the file to be downloaded and then wait while the file is moved
to the location I first specified.

// Erik

Hans Le Roy


That's the way it works: the browser has to download the files into the
Temporray Internet Files in order to display it.

What you can do is this: Windows Explorer, Tools, Folder Options, File
Types, <file type>, Advanced, Check [x] Confirm open after download. That
way, your permission will be asked before a file is downloaded, and IE will
ask the location where that file will be saved.

However, that will tae more time. If IE doesn't prompt for a folder, it can
start downloading right away.

Kind regards

Hans Le Roy


Thanks for your answer!

As it is now, IE asks where I want to save the file. I thought maby
there were some nice thing you could change in the registry so you
could force IE to "bypass" the Temporray Internet Files folder.

// Erik

Hans Le Roy said:

That's the way it works: the browser has to download the files into the
Temporray Internet Files in order to display it.

What you can do is this: Windows Explorer, Tools, Folder Options, File
Types, <file type>, Advanced, Check [x] Confirm open after download. That
way, your permission will be asked before a file is downloaded, and IE will
ask the location where that file will be saved.

However, that will tae more time. If IE doesn't prompt for a folder, it can
start downloading right away.

Kind regards

Hans Le Roy

Erik said:

When I download files using Internet Explorer 6 and I want to save the
file at C:\SomeFolder it first save the entire file to some temp directory.
When the download is complete it then move the file to C:\SomeFolder.

How can I force IE to save the file "directly" to the folder I sepcify?
It's kind of irritating when you download large files. You first have to
wait for the file to be downloaded and then wait while the file is moved
to the location I first specified.

// Erik

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