Save File As CSV


Brian Mills

I'm trying to save an excel file as a csv WITH quote marks
for text delimination. I cant seem to find an option or
file format that includes this. While Excel will hapily
import these files, is there anyway to export them as?

I need to do this as some of the fields have comma's in
the data.

Dave Peterson

Didn't excel put the double quotes around every field that had the list
separator (comma) in it?

If yes, but you want a double quote around each field (required or not), you
could write your own export program or use Earl Kiosterud's text export

It's available at:
It's available at Tushar Mehta's site:
Look for Text Write in the left hand frame.

Earl has a bunch of options that you can specify.

And you may want to look at Chip Pearson's code:

Brian Mills

Thats working a treat. Its just a pitty that Excel's
export options arent as complete as the import options.


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