Sandisk fixed disk utility error #20



I received the utility from sandisk for marking CF cards as Fixed disks. The problems is I always get a error #20

Has anyone used this utility that can give me a clue

I'm using DOS 6.22 with the CF as the primary drive.

Greg Martin

I've received this utility from Sandisk.

I've found that it works great if the CF is the primary disk (using the
cable select, or jumpers), and fails if it is the secondary disk.

There are some options there for disk numbers, but I can't recall them.

Greg Martin.

Greg Martin


I've used the utility on DOS 6.22 using the command:
(for a disk on the primary controller) atcfwchg /P /F
(for a disk on the secondary controller) atcfwchg /S /F

But in both instances, the disk is the master on that controller.

Greg Martin.


I tried using this utility on a CF, booting to DOS with a floppy, etc. The CF was installed on my SBC's built-in adapter which is on the Secondary IDE as a Slave. I had no luck with this. I used an IDE to CF adapter, put the CF on the Primary IDE as Master and was succussful using the /P /F switches.


DaveJones said:

The /P /F works good if the CF is on the primary IDE channel. *

Hello all,
could anyone be so kind and send me the and/o
ATCFWCHG.COM utility to (e-mail address removed)
Thanks a lot Rober


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