Sample: Signature Capture


Dave Benton

Hi all,

I've used the MS signature capture example to add this ability to my

To be able to show the captured signature I have to use the desktop program.

Has anyone managed to show the captured signature from the pocket pc ?

I've managed to save the signature as .bmp before saving but this causes a
huge increase in size when saving to the database.

Are there any better programs ?

Can Easyink be used with .net ?

Any examples/links would be wonderful.


Are you using CF2.0? If so there is now a Bitamp.Save method to allow you
to save your image, you can use this method to save your Bitmap to .jpg
format instead (or even gif), which should make your files much smaller.

If I remember correctly the link you posted remembers hundreds of vectors
that making up the signature lines, this method was originally used because
the CF1.0 did not have a Bitamap.Save method, which was corrected in CF2.0.

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