Same Global Variable Name/ 2 Access Apps?



Someone told be today that if you have two Access applications that have the
a Global (Public) variable defined with the same name, that they could
overwrite each other. I've always that that each instance of Access has it's
own memory blocks allocated and global variables stored in those blocks were
only for that instance of Access. Does anyone know which is correct? Thank

Douglas J Steele

AFAIK, your understanding is correct. Setting a global variable X in
application 1 will not impact the value of global variable X in application
2. Along the same lines, user 1 setting the value of global variable X will
not impact the value of that variable in user 2's application.

David C. Holley

Don't think so. Because it would mean that if you started two (or more)
instances of Access on the same PC that you would end up with assorted
conflicts between the two.

Marshall Barton

Phill said:
Someone told be today that if you have two Access applications that have the
a Global (Public) variable defined with the same name, that they could
overwrite each other. I've always that that each instance of Access has it's
own memory blocks allocated and global variables stored in those blocks were
only for that instance of Access. Does anyone know which is correct? Thank

Maybe that person meant to say two different Modules instead
of two different Access applications.

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