Same formula returns different results



I have set up a spreadsheet into which I will be entering new data on
weekly basis. Data cells for dates in the future are blank.I hav
another sheet which shows an average of a series of four cells from th
original sheet. I am using the ISBLANK to return a blank cell whe
there is no value in the four cells.
The first average formula works fine but the second returns a #DIV/0

First formula

=IF(ISBLANK('Wendt El Roble Traps'!B14:E14),"",(AVERAGE('Wendt El Robl

Second formula

=IF(ISBLANK('Wendt El Roble Traps'!F14:I14),"",(AVERAGE('Wendt El Robl

I reformatted all the source cells with the same results.
I have recreated the original data spreadsheet with the same results.

Any suggestions?


Vasant Nanavati

Are you entering both formulas as array formulas (i.e., with <Ctrl> <Shift>

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