Same directory structure on development machine and final machine....



Is there any way to have it so that you can have different root structures
on a web site on two different machines?

For instance - on my dev machine, I want to work in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Devo
but on the web server it's going to be in g:\inetpub\wwwroot\Prod

How can I do this?

TIA - Jeff.

Darren Kopp

Yes, you can do that no problem. Just make sure when you reference
resources using the path structure (C:\...) you do so relatively, not
absolute. By this i mean don't say something like load an access
database with a path of c:\inetpub\wwwroot\devo\access.mdb, so it with
server.mappath("~/access.mdb") or something similar. The same holds
true for writing data. Easiest way is to relatively resolve the root,
then move down a directory.

Darren Kopp


Hi UJ,

You can change your .sln file accordingly to change directory
structure. Open your .sln in textpad or notepad and edit the path and
save it.


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