Same account, multiple SMTP servers


Scott Lundberg

I have a user that travels between two job sites and his
home on a regular basis. He is using Outlook 2002 and is
getting tired of having to change the outbound SMTP server
all of the time. I have not been able to find any registry
entries that record the SMTP server that would allow me to
create some registry files he could click before starting
Is there any provision in Outlook for trying different
servers in priority order until one works?
Any other ideas for solving this problem?



Why don't you just set up a different email account for
each STMP account?

Because each email knows which account received it. It will then send all
replies via the same account, and that may no longer be the one that works.

I have the same problem (different cause) but no solution yet. In my case
I have several ISP's. None of them will accept outbound mail if I am not
using their connection. So, the SMTP server used needs to depend on the
ISP dialled, and no other consideration.
The bypass is always to change the account in the box "This message will be
sent via", but guess how often I remember to do that!

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