Safely Remove Hardware Icon Missing



I just finished reloading XP on an IBM Netvista, SP1 &
all critical patches are applied. The Safely Remove Icon
is missing within the TaskBar. I have checked the
Customize Notification area and Safely Remove Hardware is
not listed. Would appreciate knowing what needs to be
done to have the Icon visible within the TaskBar.


Gary said:
I just finished reloading XP on an IBM Netvista, SP1 &
all critical patches are applied. The Safely Remove Icon
is missing within the TaskBar. I have checked the
Customize Notification area and Safely Remove Hardware is
not listed. Would appreciate knowing what needs to be
done to have the Icon visible within the TaskBar.

I don't believe it shows up unless you have removable hardware, like a
usb device. Do you have something like that attached to the computer?



this is a windowsXP bug. the problem is that windows explorer and the tray
area of the desktop are too slow, so while many startup programmes and system
components are already loaded, the tray area is not, which results in the
missing tray icons, because obviously a programme cannot put its icon into
the tray, while it's not loaded yet. Therefore often certain icons will be
missing, depends on how fast the desktop is loaded, but usually it's the last
thing to load, everything else loads faster.

You could use a startup delayer programme to delay the startup of programmes
till the tray area is loaded completely, but it won't help you with your
problem, since the "Safely Remove Hardware" icon does not belong to a
programme, but is a system component, so you cannot delay its appearance. Say
thanx to MS which never fixed this bug

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