"Safely Remove hardware" icon in taskbar ???



Hello all,

I have a new icon in my taskbar to "Safely Remove Hardware". This appeared
after I installed a new printer. How do I get rid of this icon in my

(My OS is XP Home)

Thanks in advance...

Wesley Vogel

You can't get rid of it. XP is telling you it
is OK to unplug a USB device.

But, you can hide it.

Right click the Taskbar | Properties | Taskbar tab |
Customize button | Click Safely Remove Hardware |
Click the V to expand the list | Click Always Hide |
OK | Apply | OK


Thank you Wesley,

I did what you suggested, but the icon is still there. I even restarted my
computer, but it's still there. I guess this is the never go way icon. I
would have thought for sure, that would have done it.

Any other suggestions?


I'm not sure what is gong on, but it would delete the icon for a brief
moment and then the icon re-appears.

I'll try and contact technical support to find out what the deal is.

Thanks again for all the help !!!



Thanks so much for all the help, but I tried the same thing from Kelly's
site. For some reason I just can't seem to get rid of this icon.


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