Safe Mode and setup



I am trying to run a repair of a Windows XP home system
and I gotten into Safe mode and cannot get out of it.

I get to a screen that says: "Windows XP Setup cannot run
under safe mode. Setup will restart now"

It restarts and goes back the same screen.

I have tried using F8 and picking a different start
method but it always goes back to Safe mode.

Ids there any way to either stop the installation so that
I can get into safe mode and change the Boot.ini back to
normal start


Get this thing to start in normal mode and continue the


Hi Pat,

Click Start, and then click Run. The Run dialog box appears.
Type: msconfig and then click OK.
The System Configuration Utility appears. Uncheck the "/SAFEBOOT" option,
and then click OK.
You then see the prompt to restart the computer. Click Restart.

Hope this gets you out of safe mode.

You may find this article of interest:;EN-US;315341
How to Perform an In-Place Upgrade (Reinstallation) of Windows XP


Apparently, I was not clear in my post. I am cannot get
to a start button in either safe mode or Normal mode. I
turn the computer on and go through POST then get the
Windows XP is starting screen then it switches to a blue
screen that says, "Setup is restarting" then the message
box comes up and says Windows XP Setup cannot run under
Safemode. Setup will restart now. I cannot hit
CTRL+ALT+DEL and start a new task to run MSCONFIG and get
into the BOOT.INI

I read 315341 but that does not tell me how to get out of
safe mode at this point.



Okay here's how toi fix that boot into repair and edit
the boot.ini file then reboot and continue.

Thank you for tring tob help.

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