S&C Wizards Problem


Rich Bail

My neighbor and I both have a Dell 4600 with XP Home. We both have the same
camera (Sony DSC-F828). When we connect via USB to download, mine allows the
delete pictures feature, while his is grayed out.

Mine works on the 'normal' camera USB setting. In the 'PTP' setting it
opens with the delete option grayed out.

His does nothing on the 'normal' USB setting and does allow the wizard to
open on the 'PTP' setting, but with the delete option grayed out.

Any thoughts on how to enable the delete feature??


If you got together 100 people who each had a Dell 4600 and XP home, you
would find that each computer was configured slightly differently from the
other 99.. Your friend should contact Sony.. they may well know what feature
has to be enabled/installed such that he has 'delete' also..

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