rzw files


Joseph M. Newcomer

Back in Outlook 2000 it had a civilized interface to the rules. Well, not exactly;
bascially, it sucked, but I had created a little utility that let me move rules around
quickly. But Outlook 2003 has one of the new we-don't-work-like-anything-you've-ever-seen
interfaces that Microsoft is so font of, and I can't hijack the controls to do something

What I want to do is keep my rules sorted in an order I want them sorted in. Clicking the
mouse thousands of times to accomplish this is not high on my list of favorite activities.

What I want to do is export all the rules as a text file, so I can reorganize them, then
re-import them. Alternatively, I need a way to sort them that does not include clicking
the mouse thousands of times, but sorts them into the order I want.

Any ideas?
Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
email: (e-mail address removed)
Web: http://www.flounder.com
MVP Tips: http://www.flounder.com/mvp_tips.htm


You mentioned .RWZ files specifically. You can export your rules to a .RWZ
file in Outlook 2003...have you already tried using your utility on an
exported file, then importing it back into Outlook?

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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