Runtime Error 91: Object variable or width block variable not set



Recently I was browsing over the internet and encounter a
major problem which right now I can't open up my internet
explore at all. I am running internet explorer 6.0.
When I click on my internet explorer icon I get a pop up
error saying "Runtime error '91'", then I check my event
view log and found this "faulting application
iexplorer.exe, version 6.0.2800.1106, faulting module
unknow, version, fault address 0x001cc6f2.".

Please help, is it that my internet explorer 6.0 profile
corrupted? I don't seam to know what to do..

H Leboeuf

Errors in module unknown often is caused by parasites.

Try this: Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Browsing
Uncheck the Enable 3rd party browser extensions

If this clears your problem then find out who the culprit(s) is/are with
these tools.

Let AD-Aware Scan your system for advertising Spyware



p.s Reset the 3rd party browser setting.

More: This may be caused by a third-party program (adware, spyware,
Get AdAware and SpyBot and run them both. Keep them up to date.
Dealing with Unwanted Spyware, Parasites, Toolbars and Search Engines

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