runtime error 6 overflow when running a macro



hi. im trying to run a macro and it works perfectly till about row 30,197
then it crashes and gives a runtime 6 error (overflow).

Dim g As Double

For g = b To Sheet1.Rows.Count
If UCase(Trim(Sheet1.Cells(g, nSecondDefnColBegin).Value)) =
firstcell Then
nSecondDefnRow = g
Let b = g
Exit For
End If

Next g

the error happens in the row nSecondDefnRow = g. Any reasons why this
happens? and how can i fix the problem? Thanks.


Dave Peterson

Did you declare nSecondDefnRow as Integer or Long.

Integer only goes up to 32,767.

Is there a reason to process all 65536 rows?

Maybe you can find the last row (based on the stuff in column A)???

dim LastRow as long

with sheet1
lastrow = .cells(.rows.count,"A").end(xlup).row
end with

for g = b to lastrow

Chip Pearson


How have you declare your other variables. If you declared one as
Integer, change it to Long.

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC

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