runtime error 3075 using sql insert query where data has single qu



I am using a sql statement in v.b.a. to append records to a table.
Everything works fine until I have a record with a single quote in the name.

At that point I get the error 3075 - Syntax error (missing operator)

I would prefer not to replace the character, if possible, since it is an
account key that will link to detail records.

Any suggestions?


Hi Stephen,

Call the ReplaceStr function in the error handler of your existing code. For
example, here is a procedure that I have for inserting country names into a
JET (ie. "Access") table. The script, as currently shown, chokes on six

You can grab a copy of the script from here:
You may need to create an account to log in to the above site. The accounts
are free.

I removed some of the normal indenting in the code, to help prevent word
wrap in this newsgroup reply from splitting a line of VBA code.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Sub CreateCountries()
On Error GoTo ProcError

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strErrors As String
Dim lngRecords As Long

Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblSQLScript", dbOpenTable)

Do Until (rs.BOF Or rs.EOF) = True
strSQL = rs("SQLStatement")
db.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
lngRecords = lngRecords + 1


If Len(strErrors) > 0 Then
MsgBox strErrors, vbInformation, _
"The following records were not inserted due to problems", _
"Errors Encountered..."
MsgBox "(" & lngRecords & ") records were imported.", _
vbInformation, "Done!"
End If

' Cleanup
On Error Resume Next
rs.Close: Set rs = Nothing
db.Close: Set db = Nothing
Exit Sub

Select Case Err.Number
Case 3075
strSQL = SQLFixup(strSQL)
Case Else
strErrors = strErrors & vbCrLf & "Error " & Err.Number & ": " &
Resume Next
End Select
End Sub

' How To Handle Quotes and Pipes in Concatenated SQL Literals

' The ReplaceStr function has been modified to skip the first and
' last apostrophes and any apostrophees that enclose a comma in
' the INSERT statement (ie. ',').

Function ReplaceStr(TextIn, ByVal SearchStr As String, _
ByVal Replacement As String, _
ByVal CompMode As Integer)

Dim WorkText As String
Dim Pointer As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim intFirstApostrophe As Integer
Dim intLastApostrophee As Integer

If IsNull(TextIn) Then
ReplaceStr = Null
WorkText = TextIn

' Locate the first and last apostrophes. Note: The InStrRev function
' is not available in Access 97. This functionality can be coded, but
' it requires writing a specialized function.
intFirstApostrophe = InStr(Pointer + Len(Replacement), _
WorkText, SearchStr, CompMode)
intLastApostrophee = InStrRev(WorkText, SearchStr, -1, CompMode)

' Find the next pointer
Pointer = InStr(intFirstApostrophe + Len(Replacement), _
WorkText, SearchStr, CompMode)

Do While Pointer < intLastApostrophee
'Debug.Print "Next Pointer = " & Pointer
'Debug.Print WorkText
' Is the next character a comma followed by an apostrophe?
' If so, don't replace this apostrophe.
If Mid$(WorkText, Pointer + 1, 2) = ",'" Then

Pointer = Pointer + 1
WorkText = Left(WorkText, Pointer - 1) & Replacement & _
Mid(WorkText, Pointer + Len(SearchStr))
intLastApostrophee = InStrRev(WorkText, SearchStr, -1, CompMode)
End If

' Find the next pointer
Pointer = InStr(Pointer + Len(Replacement), _
WorkText, SearchStr, CompMode)
' Debug.Print "============================="


ReplaceStr = WorkText
End If

'Debug.Print WorkText

End Function

Function SQLFixup(TextIn)

SQLFixup = ReplaceStr(TextIn, "'", "''", 0)

End Function

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP

Alp Bekisoglu

Hi Steven,

I had faced a similar situation once and overcame it by the following in my
code (with the help of Doug & Ken sometime during September 2004):
"INSERT INTO Attendees ( CompanyID, AttendeeType, CompanyName, Booth ) " & _
"VALUES (" & Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!coid & ", '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!attTipAd & "', '" & _
Replace(Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!CoNmSel, "'", "''",
1, -1, vbTextCompare) & "', '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!BoothNo & "' );"

Look at the section Replace. It was dealing with a sub-form's field but I
think you can apply the basics to your case with some modifications.

I hope it helps.


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