Runtime error 18 user interrupt occured on some Computers



I have a fairly large AddIn ~2MB that is currently deployed to about 200
users. All user are using Windows 2000 / Excel 2000. The maschines are a
standard configuration initially but the users are allowed to install
additional software. I have a subset of users (3-5) that will consistantly
get a Runtime error 18 - User interrupt occured when executing any functions
the Addin provides. The error occurs with the addin beeing locked or
unlocked. On one maschine we reinstalled Excel without solving the issue. The
user is not causing the interrupt through the keyboard, when in debug mode
once the error occured the user can hit the run button and the highlighted
line will be executuded but the code maybe interrupted at another line (not
necessarely the next one, but maybe several lines later). Anybody have any
idea what might cause a problem like this ? It doesn't seem to be the Addin
since it works fine on all other maschines and the interrupts are not limited
to one or two functions but occure throughout the code.
Any help would be appreciated I ran out of ideas some time ago,


What you describe sounds like a user operator error. (i.e. workstation
settings, autoexec macros, etc.). Since most workstations operate properly,
it would not be an Excel or VBA problem.

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