
using Excel 2003...

I strongly suspect I have posted this query before..haven't used it in
FOREVER, and now find myself needing it again. I have a "Budget" file with
12 tabs, one for each mth of the year (JANUARY, FEBRUARY, etc). PLUS I have
an additional tab that I've named RUNNING TOTALS. On each of the monthly
tabs, I have formulas that sum up EXPENSES (money out) & SAVINGS (money in).
What I would like on Tab 13 is a formula to total each of those. I already
went thru & did =JANUARY!$E$2 & SEVERAL variations of that, but I thought I'd
be able to do a simple copy/paste, but I ended up going thru each cell to
change the tab name.

I just know that I'm missing one very important piece of the puzzle, but I'm
frustrated & ready to go to lunch! LOL - As always, your help is appreciated.


Hi Liz,

Nice Lunch?

I'm not sure what your tring to do so here's a few~:-

To sum the same cell on multiple worksheets:-
The sheets physically between the 2 mentioned can be any name

To sum the same cell on multiple worksheets:-

To copy the contents of a cell from a different sheet


T. Valko

Try this:


Copy down a total of 12 cells for the 12 months.

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