Running Command line process




Im trying to run a command line application from C# but i having some
strange problems with it.

Heres the code im using:

System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();

procPath = @"c:\ae.bat";
//string procArgs = " " + fileName + " " + tempFile;
System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo info = new
System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(procPath );

//info.Arguments = procArgs;

info.UseShellExecute = false;
info.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
info.RedirectStandardInput = true;
info.RedirectStandardError = true;
info.CreateNoWindow = false;
info.WorkingDirectory = @"c:\";

process.StartInfo = info;

StreamWriter sw = process.StandardInput;
StreamReader sr = process.StandardOutput;
StreamReader err = process.StandardError;

sw.AutoFlush = true;

//string ret = sr.ReadToEnd();
//string error = err.ReadToEnd();

if(process != null)
if(process.HasExited == false)
if(process.HasExited == false)

If i run this code to start any command line application they all seem
to work fine apart from the one i need. I need to run the application
with 2 parameters and then pass it more values when it asks for them.
I can see in debug view the test being returned from other
applications but the one im testing with does not return anything to
the debug window. If i run the bat file manually it works perfectly
and prompts me to enter a value but in C# i dont see any messages
coming from the application. I have tried using StreamReader on its
standardoutput but it just hangs.

Anyone have any idea why this would be happening?


SendKeys works with VB, otherwise
shell somtehing like "blaerg.exe < input.txt "
and input .txt is like



The redirection in DOS does not seem to work with this application
either. Is it possible that some security features were used to stop
this option ?


The redirection in DOS does not seem to work with this application
either.  Is it possible that some security features were used to stop
this option ?

I dunno, but figure about SendKeys... that simulates keypresses (this
is in VB, havent done that in c#)
redir ony works if stdin is console without any cntrol of cursor/user
(that might "eat it up")

For example if a menu is used and they want to ceep it clean (the
keybord buffer) the program starts with
"eating up" the redirected file. Not what we want now, but the
programmer was not being thinking security,
just did that to enshure that the program works without problems.

Back to SendKeys in c# then *heh* it there is something like that...


Family Tree Mike

The Process needs to start cmd.exe, and the arguments list needs to include
the batfile.

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