Running .bat and .exe in Excel



I upgraded from Excel 2000 to Excel 2003. In Excel 2000, I could run .bat and .exe using objects inserted in Excel that were activated by a macro command. Now when I run the same program in Excel 2003, a message comes up asking me if I would like to open the .bat or save it to my computer. I just want the external program to run without this interuption.

There is a question at the bottom of the screen that is checked "Always ask before opening this type of file", but it won't let me uncheck the box.

Is there any way to disable this warning?


It's difficult to say, not know what objects you're using and how you are running the batch file. Maybe the application.displayalerts property set to false might help. Also, I just checked running a bat file using the shell command and that produced no warnings.

Hope that helps.

Jim Rech

I'm not sure this will help in your situation but you might try adding the
dword registry entry DisableHyperlinkWarning under
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Excel\Security, with a
value of 1.

Jim Rech
Excel MVP
|I upgraded from Excel 2000 to Excel 2003. In Excel 2000, I could run .bat
and .exe using objects inserted in Excel that were activated by a macro
command. Now when I run the same program in Excel 2003, a message comes up
asking me if I would like to open the .bat or save it to my computer. I
just want the external program to run without this interuption.
| There is a question at the bottom of the screen that is checked "Always
ask before opening this type of file", but it won't let me uncheck the box.
| Is there any way to disable this warning?

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