Running a remote php script



I want to run a .php script on a remote site.
Manually I can simply use internet explorer to access the file and that
causes the script to run.
I would like to that in a program but can someone please tell how to do that
and do I need to use internet explorer to do it.

Thanks for any help

Kerem Gümrükcü

Hi Fred,

you dont have to run IE to do this. See here:

Dim WReq As System.Net.WebRequest =
Dim WRes As System.Net.WebResponse = WReq.GetResponse()
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(WRes.Headers.ToString(), "PHP Download
Page", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
That simple!

You can set some more things before you call the Create Member, things
like Cache, Timeout, etc,...check the MSDN for more Information,...




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