Running a Fortran executable from VBA



I'm trying to run an executable with the command
shell "C:\temp\myprogram.exe
The executable is a Fortran program, which reads from a predetermined input file and creates a text output file. The program does not ask for an input filename since it is hard-coded in the code
I can see the black DOS window opens and closes but it does not generate the output file. I do not see any error message in the DOS window, although it is possible that I just cannot catch it
If I run the executable from a DOS window or by double-clicking on it, it works
Any idea? Thanks


try: shell "command YourProgramm"
this may give you the chance to read the output of your programm.
(in case of useing Winnt, W2k or XP change command to cmd)


Hi Fabian,
Is that the actual path or do you have some spaces in the path/filename?

Try... Shell Environ("comspec") & " /c C:\temp\myprogram.exe" vbNormalFocus

That's one line. This should cause the command window to stay open.
If there is an error message this will allow you to see it. Change the /c to
/k to close the command window when it finishes.

If there are spaces in the path you have to wrap them in quotes like...
Shell Environ("comspec") & " /c C:\" & """My Documents""" & "\myprogram.exe"

johnf 202 at hotmail dot com

| I'm trying to run an executable with the command:
| shell "C:\temp\myprogram.exe"
| The executable is a Fortran program, which reads from a predetermined
input file and creates a text output file. The program does not ask for an
input filename since it is hard-coded in the code.
| I can see the black DOS window opens and closes but it does not generate
the output file. I do not see any error message in the DOS window, although
it is possible that I just cannot catch it.
| If I run the executable from a DOS window or by double-clicking on it, it
| Any idea? Thanks.

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