RunInstallerAttribute error with framework 1.1



I've got the error "No public installers with the RunInstallerAttribute.Yes
attribute could be found in the..."
when I'm trying to istall the sevice using InstallUtil.exe.
I checked everything.
I have Framework 1.1 installed and I use for sure InstallUtil version 1.1,
but it still shows the same error.
Does anybody have any idea what could it possibly be?
It drives me crazy.....

Mike Bulava

Have you added an Installer Class to you service? It sounds like thats what
you are missing.


Thanks, it helped, but I was under impression that it should be done by
default for one service.

Mike Bulava

Nope unfortunaly when you create a new Service Application in VS it only
gives you the Service class after that you need to create your installer
class for it. Reason being is that you can create an Application exe and
then decide to put a Service in the EXE or you could add additional services
to you single project.

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