run with different credentials

  • Thread starter Pete Halasovski
  • Start date

Pete Halasovski


Apologies for the cross posting but I guess this problem could fit into
several categories.

I am debugging a service for VPN access. I have set up access using VPN
which works fine. Next step is to set up short cuts on the desktop to user
resources. This also works however there is one problem:

The users has to enter his passwords for each & every network resource at
least once for each session. The problem with this that a typical user will
have 4 network drives & and email client and I can see loads of complaints

I have looked on TechNet and found that I should be able to solve this by
clicking on the shortcut's Advanced properties and ticking 'Run with
different credentials' - unfortunately this option is greyed out. I can't
find anything on how to make it active and a quick trawl through local
security policy didn't turn up anything that looked likely.

So; anyone run into this one before? Hope so.

Thanks in advance,



If I read you right, you shouldn't need to run processes under different
credentials to achieve this. All you need is to specify they user and
password with which each resource is to be connected. This need not be the
same as the (locally) logged-on user. The most expedient method would
normally be to use a batch-file as a logon-script, containing NET USE

NET USE /persistent:no
NET USE driveletter: \\server\resource /user: domain/user password

NET USE /? for more info.

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