Run-time Error '424' Object Required

Apr 29, 2011
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I'm trying to write a function that will load email from Lotus Notes and save the contents of the email to a table as well as save the attachments to disk.

I keep getting the error above when it gets to the "For Each oAttachment" line in the code blurb below. I've included the full code for the function after.

Any thoughts on what I'm missing?


If oDoc.HasEmbedded = True Then
            For Each oAttachment In oDoc.EmbeddedObjects
                Debug.Print oAttachment.Name & vbCrLf & oAttachment.Source
                oAttachment.ExtractFile ("I:\Email Attachments\" & oAttachment.Name & oAttachment.Source)
            Next oAttachment
        End If

Public Function readLotusMail() As Long
'On Error Resume Next
    Dim oSession As Object, oDB As Object, oView As Object, oDoc As Object, oAttachment As Object
    Dim sServer, sFile, sFrom, sSubject, sBody As String, sTo As String, sCC As String, sBCC As String
    Dim dDate As Date
    Dim sSQL As String
    Dim lCount As Long, lTest As Long
    Dim rs As Recordset
    sServer = "<REMOVED>"
    sFile = "<REMOVED>"
    Set oSession = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
    Set oDB = oSession.GetDatabase(sServer, sFile)
    'Dim v As Variant                       'Cycle through the database and print all view names to the debug window.
    'For Each v In oDB.Views
    '    Debug.Print v.Name
    'Next v
    Set oView = oDB.GetView("($All)")
    Set oDoc = oView.GetFirstDocument
    lCount = 0
    lTest = 0
    Do Until oDoc Is Nothing
        lTest = lCount
        If lTest Mod 10000 = 0 Then
            Debug.Print lCount
        End If
        'Check Date
        On Error Resume Next
        dDate = oDoc.GetFirstItem("DeliveredDate").Text
        sFrom = removeDoubleQuotes(oDoc.GetFirstItem("INetFrom").Text)
        If sFrom = "" Then
            sFrom = removeDoubleQuotes(oDoc.GetFirstItem("From").Text)
        End If
        sTo = removeDoubleQuotes(oDoc.GetFirstItem("InetSendTo").Text)
        If sTo = "" Then
            sTo = removeDoubleQuotes(oDoc.GetFirstItem("SendTo").Text)
        End If
        sCC = removeDoubleQuotes(oDoc.GetFirstItem("INetCopyTo").Text)
        If sCC = "" Then
            sCC = removeDoubleQuotes(oDoc.GetFirstItem("CopyTo").Text)
        End If
        sBCC = removeDoubleQuotes(oDoc.GetFirstItem("INetBlindCopyTo").Text)
        If sBCC = "" Then
            sBCC = removeDoubleQuotes(oDoc.GetFirstItem("BlindCopyTo").Text)
        End If
        sSubject = removeDoubleQuotes(oDoc.GetFirstItem("Subject").Text)
        sBody = oDoc.GetFirstItem("Body").Text
        On Error GoTo 0
        sSQL = "INSERT INTO tblEmails ( [FROM], [TO], [CC], [BCC], [SUBJECT], [DATESENT] ) " & _
               "SELECT """ & sFrom & """, """ & sTo & """, """ & sCC & """, """ & sBCC & """, """ & sSubject & """, #" & dDate & "#;"
        DoCmd.SetWarnings False
        DoCmd.RunSQL sSQL
        DoCmd.SetWarnings True
        Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblEmails", dbOpenDynaset)
        rs![BODY] = sBody
        Set rs = Nothing
        'Check Attachment
        If oDoc.HasEmbedded = True Then
            For Each oAttachment In oDoc.EmbeddedObjects
                Debug.Print oAttachment.Name & vbCrLf & oAttachment.Source
                oAttachment.ExtractFile ("I:\Email Attachments\" & oAttachment.Name & oAttachment.Source)
            Next oAttachment
        End If
        Set oDoc = oView.GetNextDocument(oDoc)
        dDate = 0
        sFrom = ""
        sTo = ""
        sCC = ""
        sBCC = ""
        sSubject = ""
        sBody = ""
        lCount = lCount + 1
    Set oDoc = Nothing
    Set oView = Nothing
    Set oDB = Nothing
    Set oSession = Nothing
End Function