Run-time Error 384



I've started getting Runtime Error 384 messages every 10
minutes or so. I have no idea why. Does anyone know why,
or how to fix this?

Peter Forster [MVP]


I've started getting Runtime Error 384 messages every 10
minutes or so. I have no idea why. Does anyone know why,
or how to fix this?

When do you get this "Runtime Error 384"?
Is it a Pop-Up or do you find it in the event-log?

Mark Brown[MSFT]

| From: "John" <[email protected]>
| Sender: "John" <[email protected]>
| Subject: Run-time Error 384
| Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 17:58:15 -0700
| I've started getting Runtime Error 384 messages every 10
| minutes or so. I have no idea why. Does anyone know why,
| or how to fix this?
| Thanks!

Hi John,

There are a few things that we can do to trouble shoot this.
We need to pin point, or identify the exact cause in order to fix this.
In the past it has been seen that there is an application that is not
performing well after being recently installed or

Please try this....
This may take some work.....

We need to get a file from an XP machine called "MSconfig.exe" and copy it
to the 2000 server.
It is located in XP at this location C:\windows\pchealth\helpctr\binaries...

- copy this file to the desktop of the server
- launch it
- at the last tab at the top of the "MSconfig window" please goto the
"startup" tab
- select the "disable all" button
- select "apply" then "ok"
- it will require you to "restart" select "ok"
- when the server comes up to the desktop.... it will present you with
MSconfig again (close it)
- then we must reboot again, this time to test if it was a startup item
causing the issue.....

If this was successful.... then it is determined that it is a "startup
item" causing the issue.
(If no change after "all startup items" are all disabled, proceed to step

The next step is to begin to re-enable the "startup items" again until the
logoff hangs start occure.

- launch "MSconfig" again
- goto "startup" tab again, and start manually enabling with "check marks"
one group of items at a time.
(ie enable all items related to antivirus etc....) until we can identify
what startup item is causing the issue.
- to test which item is causing the issue, a reboot after each change is


- launch "MSconfig"
- goto the "services tab"
- at the bottom of the window put a "check" in the checkbox for "hide all
Microsoft services"
- then select "disable all" button
- select "apply" then "ok"
- it will require you to "restart" select "ok"
- when the server comes up to the desktop.... it will present you with
MSconfig again (close it)
- then we must reboot again, this time to test if it was a 3rd party
service causing the issue.....

If this was successful.... then it is determined that it is a "3rd party
service" causing the issue.
(If no change after "all 3rd party services" are all disabled, proceed to
step 3.)

The next step is to begin to re-enable the "3rd party services" again until
the logoff delays start occure.

- launch "MSconfig" again
- goto "startup" tab again, and start manually enabling with "check marks"
one group of "3rd party services" at a time.
(ie enable all items related to antivirus etc....) until we can identify
what "3rd party services" are causing the issue.
- to test which service is causing the issue, a reboot after each change is


If none of these steps have identified the cupret, then we must return your
system back to
its original state.

- Launch "MSconfig"
- at the last tab at the top of the "MSconfig window" please goto the
"startup" tab
- select the "enable all" button
- goto the "services tab"
- at the bottom of the window remove the "check" in the checkbox for "hide
all Microsoft services"
- then select "enable all" button
- select "apply" then "ok"
- it will require you to "restart" select "ok"
- when the server comes up to the desktop.... it will present you with
MSconfig again (remove the check mark to show every time, then slect "ok"
to close.

Now your system is back to where you started.

Please let me know what you have found out.


~~ Mark Brown ~~
~ Performance Support Specialist,
~ Microsoft Enterprise Platforms Support
~ This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
~ Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified at
~ Note: For the benefit of the community-at-large, all responses to this
message are best directed to the newsgroup/thread from which they

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