Run time error'-2147352573



When ever I open my excel file I get a error message when I press one of the
Run Time Error'-2147352573 (80020003)':
Could not find the specified object.
Any ideas????


It look like you have a macro in your code. Because there is an On Error
statement(s) in the code it not giving you any clue to where the problem is.
I hate On Error statements just for this reason.

The best solution is to comment the On Error statement by place a singgle
Apostrophe in fron of the statement so you can find the problem

Make a copy of the Workbook and make these changes in the copy. following
these steps.
1) Go to VBA window. Easiestway is to right click on tb at bottom of the
worksheet (normally sheet1) and select view code.
2) Open Project Explorer by View Menu in VBA.
3) Look for all macros
Double n each sheet in the Project Explorer
Open Module(+) and check for macros in modules
4) Find all On Error statements and place single Apostrophe at the beginning
of the line
5) Go ack to your spreadsheet and execute the Command Button. It should now
stop on the instruction that is causing the problem and highlight the VBA
line (in yellow) where the problem is located.

If you can't figure the problem out yourself, copy the macro to this website
and post on the Excel Programming Page. Or you can respond to this
postingwill look at the problem.

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