Run time complitation


Joel Barsotti

Sometimes when I ftp up new files the server can't find name spaces or give
me errors like Unable to cast object of type 'ASP.mainnav_master' to type

Most of the time these errors are associated with files that are unrelated
to my upload.

Any idea what causes this?

Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hi Joel,

Welcome to the MSDN newsgroup.

As for the compilation error you mentioned, I think it is likely caused by
some page's classes(dynamic compiled) get incompatible with others since
after you upload some new files onto the web application's dir, it will
cause some of the pages get recompiled, and if some other pages are
referenced some page classes which get recompiled, there may exists such
inconsistent behavior. I suggest you try modify the web.config (update it)
after you upload some files into application, this can help make the whole
web application get recompiled.

BTW, can you reproduce this problem in local development environment? If
so, we can test in local environment which maybe much more convenient.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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