Run repetitive task and frequency depends


Elton Law

Dear Expert,
I need to run a similar task which find/update the data in sheets "Daily",
But number of "Check" is different days by days ...
Sometimes, it has 3, sometimes 4 and even none ....
So how can I do a repetitive task based on the number of check in a column
please ?
In this case, it has 4 check in a column ... then do that task for 4 times
is enough and stop ! Thanks for help.

Expiry In Sheets
LC115534 17-Feb-09 Daily Check 12.1
TR115776 17-Feb-09 Daily 11.2
GB116981 18-Feb-09 Daily Check 62.9
EQ117150 #N/A Daily 21.1
SS118845 18-Feb-09 Daily 117.4
AQ119605 18-Feb-09 Daily 24
TR120182 19-Feb-09 Daily 27
GB120268 17-Feb-09 Monthly Check 99
TR120513 19-Feb-09 Daily 24
GB120941 38
GB123547 19-Feb-09 Daily 24
GB125186 27-Feb-09 Weekly Check 37
EQ129944 #N/A Daily 84
SS130341 27-Feb-09 Monthly 67

Jacob Skaria

Dim lngRow As Long
For lngRow = 1 To ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row
If Range("D" & lngRow) = "Check" Then
'Do something
End If

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Jacob Skaria

For the below code I am assuming you have this "Check" in Col D

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