Run multiple SQL queries



I need to run several update queries on one table. I
created a command button with a series of StrSql
statements behind it. When I click the button, it says
it's about to update the records, and when I click OK,
nothing happens. I check the table and nothing was

I read this article about running multiple Sql queries
(, but I'm
hoping there's a simpler solution using the command
button and underlying code.

Any ideas? Thanks. - Kurt (code below)

Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Cancel

Dim StrSql As String


' Enter numidnew (numid in 000 format) value

StrSql = "UPDATE tblTeachersNew SET
tblTeachersNew.numidnew = " & _


' Enter RoomSort (RoomNumber in 000 format) value

StrSql = "UPDATE tblTeachersNew SET
tblTeachersNew.RoomSort = " & _
([RoomNumber],'000'),[RoomNumber]) " & _
"WHERE (((tblTeachersNew.RoomNumber) Is Not Null));"


' Enter TeachID (SchoolPrefix + numidnew) value

StrSql = "UPDATE tblTeachersNew SET
tblTeachersNew.TeachID = [SchoolPrefix] & [numidnew];"


DoCmd.RunSQL StrSql

Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & Err.Description
Resume Exit_Cancel

Exit Sub

End Sub

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