Run Database remotely




I have 3 databases. Each database creates 3 tables and exports them to
"C:\", with 3 Macros.

Here is the issue - I want to run the 3 macros at once. But I don't want to
import the queries and tables into a single database because the queries and
tables have the same names (but they are a little different clearly).

Is it possible to kick off the 3 macros automatically, in a seperate access

Thanks for your help


Hi Jeff

Try this (I assume your working on C drive - if not, change the path the the

Private Sub ButtonName_Click()
'Shell to 1st macro'
Call Shell("""C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\OFFICE11\MSACCESS.EXE""""PathTo1stDataBase.mdb""/X MacroName", 1)
'Shell to 2nd macro'
Call Shell("""C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\OFFICE11\MSACCESS.EXE""""PathTo2ndDataBase.mdb""/X MacroName", 1)
'Shell to 3rd macro'
Call Shell("""C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\OFFICE11\MSACCESS.EXE""""PathTo3rdDataBase.mdb""/X MacroName", 1)
End Sub

Hope this helps

Pieter Wijnen

Another way would be to have a Fourth Db (FE) With Links to All The Tables
(Renamed in the Front-End)
And Run everything From one Macro - or better VBA Code


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