Rules misses slow spam software

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul
  • Start date Start date



Can't find the answer on the forum so..

I'm just testing AVG anti spam which tags the subject line of any spam email
with **SPAM**, this works fine. I then used the rules wizard to move these
tagged emails to a Spam folder.

My issue is that for some reason the rule quite often misses the email as it
acts before AVG has tagged it. So the email arrives, the rule runs then AVG

Any thoughts


Paul said:
I'm just testing AVG anti spam which tags the subject line of any
spam email with **SPAM**, this works fine. I then used the rules
wizard to move these tagged emails to a Spam folder.

My issue is that for some reason the rule quite often misses the
email as it acts before AVG has tagged it. So the email arrives, the
rule runs then AVG tags.

That would be an AVG question. There's no guarantee, as far as I know, to
how long the delay between when a message arrives, when a rule runs, and
when any add-in operates lasts. If the rules are running before the AVG
add-in runs, that's an AVG problem. I've looked the add-in over and it
doesn't seem to operate as other antispam programs, which are configured as
proxies - an applocation that sits between your real mail client and your
mail server that acts as a server to the client and a client to the server,
getting your messages from the server, performing its actions, then handing
them to your client, which sees them after the proxy is all done with
whatever modification it makes. The AVG antispam application seems to be a
real Outlook add-in, like their antivirus scanner, and not a proxy at all,
so it wouldn't surprise me if it's difficult or impossible to control
whether the AVG program or rules run first.